Friday, August 28, 2009

Have a 'tweet' year!

The teachers at Kayci's school requested whistles...a week ago, this bucket was filled to the brim. :)

-- out & about, courtesy of the wonderphone

Thursday, August 27, 2009


James loves woot!, and today he sent me a link to kidswoot!--we may be in trouble, now. Check it out (you gotta look daily, that's the joy of woot!).

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh, Lordy!

There goes my budget...

-- out & about, courtesy of the wonderphone

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting Ready for School

A friend and I were talking on the phone last night about getting ready for school. When we ended the year last year, we had so many things we wanted to do before--and for--this school year. Now that the time is here, I know there are at least a few things on the list that I haven't accomplished, and a few questions I haven't been able to answer. So now my task is to focus and prioritize...cover the big things and decide when to fit the rest in. But you know, while I'm crazy busy right now, I'm also crazy happy--it's an exciting time to be in PPCD. There are some awesome changes coming our way, and lots of fun things to do in the meantime. I'm so excited about this year, and about getting going! (I know, I know...I always miss the summer as soon as it's over, but that's okay...there are always afternoons, evenings and weekends!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Upside Down...

I'm at the Preschool Summer Institute this week...and boy, is my brain swimming after just one day. It's like, in some ways, it's like they've turned PPCD upside down--what we used to think is just about opposite of what it needs to be today.

ARRGH. It's wonderful and horrible and awesome and overwhelming, all at once.

I love my job...and I love the fact that we're on the verge of making some amazing changes to make our friends' lives even better. But man, there's a lot of work right now...