Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why I'm a PackRat

Hey, Kristin...remember that ginormous bag of seashells I was like, when would I EVER use this?  So I gave it to another teacher...

Now I'm home and I've finished taking down the Easter decorations that were still up.  And I was wondering yesterday, hmm...what to put in my little decorative things for May...and I thought, I know, I'll do sand and seashells since we're going to the beach Memorial Day and we've been looking forward to it all year long.

But I don't have sand or seashells.

And that is why I hoard things.  What if I NEED it someday??


  1. You need to read one of my first blogs about the man who built the great raft!!! It was an ah ha moment for me lol but I am so there with you lady!!!

  2. Want some seashells back? I even have some fun colored sand I could share. :)

  3. Yes I remember that big bag of seashells and I did not keep them because I had my own big bag of seashells.... Now wishing I would have said yes to that big bag of seashells so I could give them back to you. LOL I so love junk and hording! That reminds me, I need to clean out my storage before the summer.
