Friday, July 31, 2009

Gearing Up

A week from today, I will be done with one of the highlights of the school year--the Preschool Institute. It's a great way to kick off the school year, and I know I'll be SO PUMPED UP about the year to come. I already am, really...we have so much in store this year as we work on evolving our program and empowering our teachers. It's a little overwhelming to think that two weeks from today I'd better be ready to start working with teachers, but we'll cross that bridge soon. Today my first priority is Mommying a sick little guy and making sure his big sister doesn't feel too bored or left out. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dirty Little Secret

Mornings have been kind of weird since James has to be at work and I don't like to take Noble to school until 8:30 (when the 2nd teacher arrives...I know, I know...). Anyway, it's been hard to fit in the little things like, oh, breakfast and a shower for Mommy. It is EXCELLENT play time, though, I have to's a nice big chunk of time when Noble plays really hard, all over the house. But back to the dirty little secret...

The kids and I spent some time at Mom's earlier this summer so I could do some work in Houston. One of the things that amazed me was that every morning, Noble would stop whatever he was doing and run to the TV when Mickey Mouse came on. After like the 3rd day, I started paying attention so I could turn on the TV at that time and buy myself some time to work or shower.

One morning a couple of weeks ago, I was particularly desperate to get a shower and get Noble to school on time, and I remembered that we have a sample DVD of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse," so I pulled it out and plugged it in. Sure enough, same thing...20 minutes of a fairly contained Noble. So now, on the days that Noble goes to school I have a dirty little secret--I turn on the TV.

Hey, I'm not proud. But I'm also not dirty, so win-win, right? :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's the climb...

This is Noble's favorite hobby. He climbs on tables, chairs, anything that will get him a foot or two off the ground. Poor DaddyBoy is stressed out over it--he goes around trying to remove anything that Noble will climb on, etc. While I understand that falling off a table could break Noble's arm or leg or worse, at the same time, from a brain-body standpoint, I realize that this is something that Noble NEEDS to do. So now my new project is to find safe ways for Noble to climb. Any ideas, girls?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Look out, world...

2 great things to report today...

1. found an app that will allow me to blog on the fly! will make it easy to upload pics, notes from classrooms as i go...will need to figure out if i need special permissions from the district, etc. or how that works...but still...good stuff!

2. today i get my new iphone--with video! woo hoo!!!