Tuesday, November 23, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

I have wanted to do this for YEARS...but haven't been organized enough to get it together in time.  I'm pretty sure...no, I'm 100% sure...that when Kayci was in Kindergarten, I dropped her off at school, put together the gifts for her class, then hit a cool store downtown for a teacher gift ON my way to her Christmas party.  That's how I rolled that year.  (Dad was sick, Noble was a baby and also sick for a week at a time every other week that semester...)  Last year I was better, but busy with work so I messed up the timing and ended up just giving a traditional gift.  Nice, but not THIS.

So--this year, I've got it together.  Gift-wise, anyway.  Starting on December 2nd, Kayci has a small gift for her teacher (and her afternoon teacher, too--2nd has 2 teachers) every day until the last day of school before break.  Pretty crazy when you think there are only 15 school/work days between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break, right??  I knew that I needed to gather the gifts this week or I'd never get it done--I've got to be in Houston 4 of 5 days next week.  But that's a different post...

Friday, March 26, 2010

A New Adventure

I found this today on Tip Junkie/Executive Homemaker. It's a daily schedule for toddlers/preschoolers, and she also shares a very honest look at her days (TV time and all--gasp! Usually mommybloggers don't admit to using the shiny box...but I do. Have you MET Noble?). Anyway, why do I need a daily schedule? Isn't that what I do for a living?

Well, yes. But I find myself back at square one...for lots of reasons I'll probably go into later, we've decided to pull Noble out of daycare and keep him home with me. He just BLOSSOMS when he's here, and turns caveman after daycare. It's disheartening. So, there it is. Anyway, I haven't a clue what our days will look like after next Wednesday when he's here with me all day.

Enter Executive Homemaker. Curious yourself? Need a little more organization? Go check it out!