Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day Two...Still Smiling...

It's day two of "official" summer, and Noble's at daycare for a few hours.  Kayci and I went to the grocery store, and when we got home I sat down to write a report and gave her the option of working in her room or finishing her "job" from yesterday (going through cubbies and drawers to rediscover her stuff).  She went into her room to make her bed, and I heard her in there singing and thought, hmm, why not?  So I reminded her that she can play CDs.  A few minutes later I heard, "can I do karaoke?"...sure!  So here we are over an hour later, and she's just come up for air (and a granola bar--she's got to learn to eat a better breakfast!).  Lunch is in about an hour, then about an hour after that I'll go get Noble and then drop Kayci off at a friend's for a play date so I can head into Houston to work.  

Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means swimming lessons and then shots for Noble in the morning.  I imagine our afternoon will be fairly quiet, then we have tickets to the "Imagine That" premiere tomorrow night.  It's up in the air whether or not Noble and I will go, a lot depends on how he's feeling.  Hopefully he'll be tired and SLEEP through the movie...we'll see!  

Then it's Thursday, so back to daycare for Noble and hopefully a solid workday for me while Kayci plays here at home.  I think if the novelty of being here has worn off by then I'll get out the buckets of soapy water and flyswatters and turn her loose outside.   Or maybe some of that new great sidewalk chalk that comes in the cool colors--those would look great on our spa cover, which she uses as a chalkboard sometimes.  So many options...

My point is, I guess, that I'm talking this through in my head and realizing that I can DO this.   I can be a good mom and have fun with my kids AND get my work done this summer.  So the house isn't Kristi-clean...I'll get over it.  Heaven knows, everyone else has!  

So, we're doing it.  We're having a great summer already.  Woo Hoo!!!!

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